Trilife Church
166 Holden St.
Worcester, MA 01606
Making disciples to touch the world.
Formerly known as Triumphant Life Church.
Our service times are Sundays 9am and 10:30am. We do pick-ups in Great Brook Valley for the 10:30am service. Children's church is available for 2nd service. We also have many home groups and children's activities going on throughout the week.
Keywords: church, foursquare, protestant
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Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
28 years
What is your primary product or service?
Making disciples to touch the world.
How many locations do you have and do you have plans to expand?
We have one location and there are many other Foursquare churches around Massachusetts, the country and the world.
Provide detailed directions to your location
TriLife Church is located across from Brattle Stop in the old St. Johns building. We are also very close to the top of Ararat St.
Which areas do you service?
Worcester County
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
Lead Pastor: Pastor Bobby Murrieta
Office Manager: Rachel Murrieta
Financial Manager: Kaeley McNeill
What are your hours of operation?
Sunday services: 9am and 10:30am
Office Hours: Tuesday through Thursday 10am - 4pm (Please call first)
Contact Trilife Church:
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